Many people experience social exclusion on a daily basis: if they don’t like their skin color, their origin, language, appearance, or they also suffer discrimination due to poverty or physical or mental disability.
But human dignity is inviolable and everyone tries to be happy and live his life within the limits of the possibilities given to him, and everyone else must respect and support that.
The SCHOMERUS Law Firm has always tried to do this justice.
For this reason, the protection of sexual identity must also be mentioned: the Spanish law on this subject has been in progress for some time, but in the Valencian Community the regional law was approved specifically for the protection of transsexual identity in 2017. It is the Law 8/2017 of 7.4.2017.
Generally, it obliges the regional administration in all its manifestations to help transsexuals to carry them out, to support them and to protect them. Any form of discrimination is prohibited.
Important individual aspects are:
The possibility of requesting regional identification documents (such as the health card) with the chosen autoeje name, which corresponds to the perceived sexual idyllic (for example, Michael instead of Gabriela, or vice versa)
Request hormonal treatment or even surgical measures for gender reconciliation as part of basic medical care
all this without any specific justification or medical advice, as was the case before.
In addition, there are numerous provisions aimed at ensuring that such problems are identified and properly cared for at an early stage, especially in education, education and health. This includes, in particular, the training of educational staff, the establishment of psychological counseling centers, contact points for school or psychological problems of the people concerned or their family or professional environment, and of course the appropriate contact points. for complaints.
Special emphasis is placed on avoiding disadvantages in the workplace or in the school sector, that is, in the case of minors. Large numbers of people continue to commit one or more suicide attempts… and many of them cannot be stopped in time.
The SCHOMERUS law firm is pleased to provide assistance in these cases, whether in the Valencian Community or in other regions of Spain. However, in case of problems in other countries, colleagues or institutions should be consulted.
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